How To Take Care Of Skin In The Winter Season - Easy Home Remedies

  Many people have a problem that their skin dries up severely during the winter season, it also tends to darken and itch, as the dryness increases. The air during the winter season is dry and it tends to drain moisture out from our skin leading to dry skin as a result.
How To Take Care Of Skin In The Winter Season - Easy Home Remedies

    I am here discussing winter skincare and tips. Now the winter season is coming up, I am sure all of you are interested in really getting to know what you can do for your body skin and lips this winter season. In this article, I am going to tell you simple and straightforward methods to take care of your skin in the winter season. By following my tips, your skin will remain soft and glowing in the winter season also.

     The first thing I am going to discuss about is my "don't do" list.

Don't do a lot of hot showers or hot baths.

I know that seems impossible. You must be feeling cold. It's normal to feel like that. But the hotter the bath the hotter the shower and hotter the shower and the longer you are exposed to that hot water the more you are going to evaporate essential moisturizer from your skin. So just jump in and jump out. Get yourself done and be comfortable so you can have better skin.
Don't do a lot of hot showers or hot baths

   Point number 2. Heaters.

The room heaters that we use really just push dry-dry air into the room. If I were you, obviously you need to use the heater but put in on and then shut it off. Don't keep it going all day. The longer you have the heater there the drier your air is gonna be. When air is dry it takes moisture from your skin in order to even out the moisture balance between the air and your skin. So, you will be drier and air will just continue to leach hydration from you. Do my tip. Reducing the amount of time your heater is on and you will definitely see a difference.

➧The third thing that you need to do is avoid sulfate body washes or soaps.

Sulfates and soaps actually dry out your skin. They disrupt the pH balance of your skin, allowing the barrier to open up and making water come out. You don't want your barrier to open up. The whole point of having skin is so that the barrier is closed so you don't have to worry about nutrition, vitamin, water leaching out. You want all that to come in. Right? So, do this and you will definitely see a difference. Use sulfate free body washes and stop the soap. Reduce the amount you use; you really don't need that much.

     Okay? Now I am going to give you my "do" list.

 ➧Drink Water.

The first thing you must do in the winter season, even if you don't feel like it you must drink water. If you add 1/2 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to a glass of lukewarm water and drink it, then it is very beneficial for both the stomach and skin.
Drink Water with lemon

➧Use Humidifier.

    The second thing you must do in the winter season. When you have dry air pumping through your house with dry heaters you can contract. You can use something called a humidifier. Now, what's a humidifier? A humidifier is a machine that pumps water into the air. It makes the air more moist. so, it doesn't need to take water from you.
    It's perfectly safe, it's wonderful for the skin and for the throat so that dry throat and the dry nose is improved. Get a humidifier immediately. It will be your lifesaver.
Use Humidifier.

    ➧Avoid Bathing In The Morning.

The next thing you should avoid bathing in the morning, during winters in the evening, when you come home from school, college or work you should have a bath with lukewarm water and mild soap.
    After having a bath, before the skin gets completely dry you should apply all over your face and body pure cold pressed Sunflower Oil or pure Sesame Seed Oil or Virgin Olive Oil, you should apply this oil thoroughly over your face and body.
    These oils do not freeze in the winter season. so, they spread evenly all over the skin and prevent moisture from evaporating from your skin. Those people who do not like using oil can use any good moisturizing cream or lotion.
You want a body lotion that has humectant in it. What that does is, is it binds water from your environment into your skin, so that it holds on to all that moisture.
    The more moisture it holds on to the better your skin will be. You can even get creams that have these ingredients but any good moisturizing cream is perfect for your face. So, you can moisturize as much as possible at least twice a day for better skin on the face and the body.
   But my advice is to use these natural oils only. Because these oils are natural moisturizers. They contain no chemicals, and those people who have sensitive skin can also easily apply this on their skin.
    Having a bath in the evening clears out the entire day accumulated dirt and when you apply oil on clean skin, it naturally works better. and the oil has an opportunity to soften your skin properly during the night and you can also get a good night's sleep.      When we sleep without having a bath, then the entire day dust fumes smoke, and other pollutants accumulate on the skin. and then it dries the skin through the night and also irritates it. which also causes the skin to itch.
     Now, in the morning after waking up, you just have to wash your face with lukewarm water and then again, all over your face and body you have to apply Sunflower Oil, Sesame Seed Oil or Olive oil Doing this daily will ensure that your skin stays soft, does not dry and does not itch. These oils are not sticky and are very beneficial.

➧Diet Recommendation In Winter.

   The Fourth and the last thing is the diet recommendation. Omega 3 fatty acids or natural oils will help your skin. Eat Omega 3 fatty acids every day may be as flaxseed oil, maybe it's a little coconut oil. Maybe you cook with coconut oil.
    All those natural fats will make your skin more supple and stronger. Because your skin needs Omega 3 fatty acids to stay strong and for that barrier to keep in place. If you add this into your diet you will see a difference.

    I hope you enjoyed this discussion on how to take care of the skin in the winter season. Please share, like or comment below.   
    I hope you will implement what I have just told you and you will surely see a big improvement in your skin. Please leave your comments in the comment box below, Thank you!