Health Benefits Of Coconut Water Add This Magic Drink To Your Diet

I love fresh, organic, raw coconut water. It has a lot of health benefits of coconut water. It just is an amazing, hydrating, nutrient-dense and rich type of water. That has exploded in popularity in the last few years. You see coconut water everywhere. 
Health Benefits Of Coconut Water Add This Magic Drink To Your Diet


Alternatives To Sports Drinks.

     You probably heard a lot of talk about it, especially as an alternative to sports drinks. Now, unlike energy drinks or sports drinks, which are usually loaded with chemicals and high fructose corn syrup. And artificial sweeteners that nobody should be consuming. Coconut water is totally natural and a great source of nutrients. It contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and it even has enzymes. It’s high in electrolytes, and that’s what makes it great as a natural sports drink.
 Sports Drinks   It has less sugar, less acidity, and fewer calories than the typical sports or energy drinks. And it is a wonderful source of hydration that you need especially when you exercise.                                        


What Are Electrolytes?

     Now, some people might be asking, what are electrolytes? Electrolytes are minerals and compounds which are charged electrically. That will help your body do a lot of its work. Electrolytes present in our body are sodium, calcium, chloride, magnesium, and potassium, etc.
    Those are the most common electrolytes and the short answer for why they’re important is because our cells, our organs, heart, and nervous system need them to function properly.
    All athletes know if they start running low on electrolytes it affects their muscles, heartbeat, brain activity, the body. Everybody's body is made mostly of water. It is like saltwater inside of our systems. So, if that balance starts to decrease our body can be in a lot of trouble fast.
   Most people get enough electrolytes in their diet but, if you exercise, you lose electrolytes in your sweat, especially sodium and potassium, and they need to be replaced as fast as you can. The benefit of coconut water is the fact that it is made of electrolytes. If you're dehydrated it is an outstanding drink. It has lots of electrolytes like sodium, calcium, chloride, magnesium, and potassium, etc. In Unani medicine, in Ayurveda coconut is heavily recommended for people who are suffering from dehydration.
coconut tree

 ➤Coconut Water Instant Rehydrates The Body 

    Not only is coconut water great for this, but studies have shown that its ability to hydrate is unmatched by anything else.
 An excellent thirst quencher, this precious water contains electrolytes that allow your organs to function properly, leaving you with more energy throughout the day, especially after a long day or workout. Coconut water restores, replenishes and maintains bodily fluids rehydrating you instantly. 
    Now, I also like to drink organic, raw apple cider vinegar in distilled water. That is also a really good way to hydrate your body to keep all of the minerals and enzymes and the living water functioning properly inside your system. The hydrating effect of coconut water is so incredible that in remote areas of the world where hospital-quality saline bags aren’t available, coconut water has been given intravenously to fight dehydration. I’m not saying you need to go start an IV of coconut water, but, next time you reach for “Brand” sports drink, the toxic one, I challenge you to try coconut water instead. Or if you are an athlete and you are running or you are bodybuilding or you are doing any type of exercise. 
 Rehydrates The BodyReplace the toxic sports drinks with coconut water, and you will see a huge difference. It’s better for you and aside from its nutritional advantages, studies have shown that coconut water has a positive effect on blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Coconut water contains zero cholesterols. It has no fat, no cholesterol, and people with high cholesterol. People with hepatic problems can drink coconut water easily.


Coconut Water Reduce Bloating

    The reason behind a bloated belly is gas or the high level of sodium in foods consumed like pizza, burgers and packaged soups. Coconut water contains a high amount of potassium that counteracts the effects of sodium, reducing terrible gas pains, thereby giving you a flatter stomach. 


Coconut Water for Weight Loss

    The coconut water has an extremely low-fat content. So, you can consume a generous amount of it without fearing you might pack on any extra pounds. It's also an excellent drink for people suffering from jaundice or loose motions or infectious diseases of the intestine. It also contains plenty of fiber that suppresses the appetite, keeping you fuller for longer.
Coconut Water for Weight Loss


Coconut Water Help To Reduce Blood Pressure

     A disproportionate level of electrolytes in the body results in High blood pressure. Thankfully coconut water – the magic potion can be used to balance the electrolytes in the body. Coconut water is excellent at high potassium requirements.
    Especially patients of blood pressure. Sodium decreases the functionality of the Kidney. A body needs potassium to lower blood pressure. It is available naturally in Coconut water. So, coconut water is an excellent natural source of potassium and other nutrients also. To make the most of it, consume a glass of coconut water first thing in the morning to help you kickstart your day!


Health Benefits Of Coconut Water On Skin

    For those pesky pimples and horrible acne that surface, topical application of coconut water can clear up and tone the skin. It also moisturizes the skin from eliminating large amounts of oil. That is why facial creams, shampoos conditioners, and lotions have traces of coconut extract! Until next time, stay tuned and stay glamorous.
Health Benefits Of Coconut Water On Skin

 You may also like to read:List Of Top Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
  So, what’s the best source of coconut water? Well, there are a lot of pre-packaged options out there, but you can’t do much better than going straight to the source. So, I suggest just getting sweet, young coconuts which many Greengrocers stores have, organic if possible, poking a hole in the top, and drinking it right out with a straw. It’s alive, fresh, and unprocessed and, when you’re done, you can open it up and enjoy the coconut meat, which is a great source of fiber, healthy fats, vitamin C, and B vitamins.

    Suppose somebody has been operated upon. The first drink rather than being a soup or tea or milk should be coconut water. Because it is easily assimilable, and it does not cause any acidity or any gas or anything else. So drink coconut water every day, and you will feel very refreshing and of course, It is a health drink that is much preferable to an aerated beverage.


   As we all know coconuts are available very easily in the coastal areas but are also available in the big cities these days. If you can’t find raw coconuts then search for organic raw cold-pressed coconut water. You can find them online, or you can find them in organic health food stores. So, I highly recommend you give coconut water a try, It has a lot of health benefits of coconut water. It is a great source for your health, for providing your body nutrients and for hydration. Because most people are chronically dehydrated.
   So, for more information on the best nutrition for healthy living, improving your diet, improving our environment, cleansing and detoxing be sure to visit again our blog and share it with your friends.

Health Benefits Of Coconut Water Add This Magic Drink To Your Diet