Do you suffer from indigestion or acid reflux? If so, you've arrived at the right place. In this article, I want to explain the common causes, symptoms, simple home remedies for indigestion that you can use to make your life a whole lot better.
So if you're interested, keep reading.

Simple Home Remedies for Indigestion That Works

   There are not any differences between indigestion, GORD(Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease), heartburn, acid reflux. They are the same diseases. the have different causes but treatment is the same

  So firstly, indigestion, this is the same as a medical term called dyspepsia. And the symptoms of this are a dull ache in your upper abdomen, that doesn't go away. It can be associated with belching, burping, bloating nausea and some people may even vomit. 

  Then you've got number two which is heartburn, acid reflux, and GORD(Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease) which is also called gastroesophageal reflux disease. 
  This is literally the feeling of your heart burning and when the acid of the stomach goes up the gullet, often you can taste acid in the back of your mouth and you have a horrible burning sensation along with a lot of those other symptoms of indigestion. What causes indigestion or acid reflux? 

  Most of the time, it's from too much acid in the stomach leaking up and going into the gullet, but there are lots of causes. So things like an ulcer of the stomach can cause it.

  So what can you do right now if you've got acid reflux? What are some of the simple home remedies that you can do?

  Try to maintain a healthy weight and avoid smoking.
try to maintain a healthy weight and avoid smoking

  Also avoid the triggers that cause too much acid, so avoiding caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, acidic foods like tomatoes and fruit juice and avoiding peppermints. 
avoiding caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, acidic foods

  Trying to wear loose-fitting clothing, so tight-fitting clothing will make things feel worse. Eating small meals more frequently.      
Trying to wear loose-fitting clothing

  Raising the head of your bed up about 30 centimetres can really help. Also waiting to go to sleep, waiting to lie down for at least 3 hours after your last meal of the day. 

Raising the head of your bed up about 30 centimetres


  ⇉ Try These Simple Home Remedies for Indigestion That Works Best. ⇇

  Take a glass of water at room temperature add one teaspoon of honey add a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder a pinch of pepper powder mix this well and you can have this mixture about 30 minutes after every meal to improve your digestion. 

  Take a glass of water and add about 1 teaspoon of baking soda add few drops of lemon juice, this helps in keeping the stomach lining safe and also prevents bloating and gas. 

 If your food was delicious and you are overeaten not to worry at all. Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to half a glass of water and this works wonders. 

  Take a glass and add a little bit of water add one teaspoon of yogurt to this mix this well fill this glass with more water add a pinch of salt and you can have this mixture at regular intervals to soothe the stomach. 

 Take a glass of warm water take one teaspoon of ginger juice, add one teaspoon of lime juice to this add about one-and-a-half to two teaspoons of a honey mix well, and you can have this after meals for better digestion. 


  Remedies for Indigestion That Works

 And if you are not satisfied with these simple home remedies. It's best to try and discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist because it is a complicated area, but these treatments really can be so helpful for you. 

  Now, lastly, this is important...! But I had to have my doctor and the motherly moment is that if you feel if you have other symptoms, which are warning signs that it could be something else and more serious.
  If you're having unexplained weight loss, if you're having trouble swallowing and feeling like things are getting stuck, if you're vomiting blood, if you're having bowel motions, stools that look black and sticky or noticing blood in your motions, if you've got a family member who had stomach cancer at a young age.
  These are all warning signs that you need to go and see your doctor for proper tests and investigations because it could be something more serious.
  Most of the time, it's not the case. But I always caution people, if these treatments don't seem to be working or things are getting worse - don't wait! Just see a doctor.
  And have a chat with someone who can examine you and make sure that it's not something else. 

  Remedies for Indigestion

  I hope that this article was helpful to you, and you learned something. I'm really interested in what you're interested in.
So if you have a question that you'd like me to do or extra information please post it in the comments below. Also if you're happy with this, please keep reading and visit again.
  Now, do you suffer from indigestion or acid reflux? If so, you've come to the right place.
  In this article, I can read be explaining about the common causes, symptoms, home remedies and treatments that you can use to make your life a whole lot better. So if you're interested, keep reading.