I know hair care is not easy, We have all seen old photographs of our mothers and grandmothers with long hair, hair that goes down to their knees, It just seems unrealistic in today's times. Will they be using the same tips as you ?

Super Easy Home Remedies, Hair Care Tips To Get Long, Thick and Healthy Hair

       We have extremely busy schedules, heavily polluted environment And of course no patience, but isn't there just something magical about long hair don't we all crave for it? I used to struggle to get my hair growing, but now my hair grows up to an inch and a half to two every month. I have a super-secret of Easy Home Remedies, and Hair Care Tips To Get Long, Thick and Healthy Hair and it works for everybody. I used to struggle to get my hair to grow it was slow and frustrating, But thankfully natural remedies, we have millions of natural home remedies and I found what works best for me, And I'm sure it works with you too.
I'm going to share my Super Easy Home Remedies, Hair Care Tips To Get Long, Thick and Healthy Hair with you guys. This is what I've used to get my hair long, healthy, thick and shiny in just three months These are the foundations for fast hair growth.

     For starters. Do not shampoo your hair every day. I shampoo it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I always use a conditioner after shampooing.
I am very careful about the temperatures that, I use while styling my hair. I do not use high temperatures for more than five seconds at a time.
I use a natural homemade mask that I generally apply twice a week, I will be writing more about that, Now I am going to tell you guys about my hair masks and washes. These are simple super easy and natural so you can use them as much as you want. Let's get started.

Sulphur Enrich Onion Water Remedies

➧Super Easy Home Remedies

➤Home Remedies No 1 (Sulphur Enrich Onion Water Remedies)

      I've had many variations of this recipe, but this is the one that I've personally used and seen great results with this is given to me by an authentic Ayurvedic healer, So I know this is the real deal, it is really simple because it's an ingredient that's commonly found.
     All you need are four to five medium-sized onions, chop the onion into medium-sized pieces, add This to a pan and pour a liter of water in this, bring it to boil on medium flame Now strain the onion and keep the water aside.
    Use this to rinse your hair after shampooing, Use this twice weekly. The reason this works is that onions are rich in sulphur, sulphur improves the collagen tissue. Which helps your hair grow fast, Onions also helps in the formation of keratin, which again helps hair growth and massaging this onto your scalp improves blood circulation.

➤Home Remedies No 2 (Neem (Azadirachta indica) Oil Remedies)

   This is something I learned from my best friend, she had amazingly long hair and it looked beautiful. And I'm glad, she shared this recipe with me, you can use this once a week and preferably on a day, when you can give your hair some extra TLC.
  To make your neem oil, pluck a few leaves from the stem of Neem (Scientific NameAzadirachta indica) and wash it in a bowl of water add this to the blender and blend it well, you could also add some water, to make it a smooth paste. Place a glass bowl in a vessel of boiling water, add a Few tablespoons of coconut oil to this. Add the name paste of this and mix it continuously till it turns dark green. Once it turns dark green, pour the liquid through a strainer and keep it to the side.
Neem (Scientific NameAzadirachta indica) oil has vitamin E that nourishes hair and makes it strong. It also has fatty acids that help in nourishing and moisturising dry and rough hair and leaves it smooth, it prevents dandruff Inflammation hair loss and hair breakage. It leaves a nice shine.
Apply this on your scalp thoroughly. Leave it for an hour or so and then wash it off. You'll see great results in just a few weeks.
You may also like to read:Neem Tree(Azadirachta indica) Its Importance for Everyday Life Benefits

Neem (Azadirachta indica) Oil Remedies)

➧Super Easy Hair Care Tips To Get Long, Thick and Healthy Hair

   Your hair growth also depends on your hair type. Do you sometimes experience slow hair growth hair fall or even baldness, yes most of us do, but many easy and unusual hair growth hacks from all around the world will help your hair grow thicker and longer.
        Normal hair is very rare. But if you have it then you're blessed. All you need to do is wash your hair often and keep it away from the Sun this way Your hair growth is right on track.
       People with oily hair shouldn't use oil massages because this slows down your hair growth, use room-temperature water or cold water to wash your hair. This will prevent your hair from getting oily.
      If you have dry hair then you will benefit from a hot oil massage ever so often, avoid shampooing your hair every day as it dries your hair further. If you have combination hair it means your scalp is oily and the tips of your hair are dry avoid blow-drying your hair as it dries. I am going to share with you some of my hacks that have really helped me grow my hair super-fast and. I have used these Super Easy Hair Care Tips To Get Long, Thick and Healthy Hair all my life for long thick beautiful hair. let's see how you can get those long, shiny, healthy hair.

   Let me share Super Easy Hair Care Tips To Get Long, Thick and Healthy Hair with you, which have helped greatly.

➤First Super Easy Hair Care Tips - Silk pillow covers

   A famous beauty bloggers share this with me your hair won't grow through keeps breaking. I replaced all my old cotton pillow covers with silk ones. Silk is smoother, which means less friction. This means that you wake up in the morning with fewer tangles and less hair breakage which just means that your hair will grow faster.

➤Second Super Easy Hair Care Tips - The Protein in Your Diet

   Eat plenty of protein Your diet makes a huge difference in how fast your hair grows Hair is mostly made of protein. So, make sure that you get plenty of protein in every meal. Some of the best sources of protein are eggs Fish lean meat beans dairy and green leafy vegetables.

➤Third Super Easy Hair Care Tips - Use Of Water

   Avoid using hot water, another simple tip that I rely heavily on is avoiding using hot water, a quick cold rinse after shower helps in sealing the moisture and Prevents hair breakage that happens due to damage.

➤Fourth Super Easy Hair Care Tips - Use Of Conditioner

   Use a conditioner every time you wash your hair. Every time you wash your hair you have to condition your hair, because of all the heat, straightening, colouring and everything else your hair is managed would slow your hair growth. regular conditioning helps replenish lipids and protein inside the hair shafts and cuticles promoting hair growth.

➤Fifth Super Easy Hair Care Tips - Use Of Comb

  Don't brush your hair when it is wet, wet hair stretches and breaks easily Breakage frizz and split-ins are not great for hair growth. You can detangle your hair using a wide-tooth comb.

➤Sixth Super Easy Hair Care Tips - Avoid Blow-Drying

  Avoid blow-drying your hair, on high settings as it dries out your tips.
Whenever you're going out in the Sun make sure that your hair is covered, and if you are straightening or curling your hair, make sure that you use a heat serum.

➤Seventh Super Easy Hair Care Tips -  Calming Of Hair

  Seventh Super Easy Hair Care Tips that helps hair grow faster, while sleeping is simply calming your hair thoroughly before going to bed, did you know that, your hair grows the most while you are sleeping, this is because this scalp gets the maximum blood supply while laying down, brushing or combing your hair is an exercise for your scalp that increases the blood circulation on the scalp and increases the flow of blood to the hair follicles.
  Doing this exercise before sleeping is especially very effective for hair growth, detangle your hair before bedtime also helps your hair to remain neat and frizz-free in the morning you will wake up with tangle-free and highly nourished hair.

➤Eighth Super Easy Hair Care Tips -  Upside-Down

   Eighth Super Easy Hair Care Tips that, helped me grow my hair longer and stronger is the upside-down or inversion technique, which is done by lowering the head from the bed just before you go to sleep.
   Lowering the head down increases the blood supply to the skull the blood containing oxygen rushes to the scalp and nourishes the hair follicles, this fresh supply of blood helps the hair grow faster lower your head from the bed very carefully and slowly massage your hair with your fingers for at least five to ten minutes, this can be done every night or at least three times a week.
   For visible results massaging the scalp increases the blood supply to the scalp and when you're lying down with your hair lowered it will speed up the hair growth process even more.
   Another easy way of lowering your head is to flip all your hair forward you can do this by standing or sitting comfortably on a chair or a couch, flip your hair forward and gently massage your scalp with your fingers for five minutes this will increase fresh blood supply to your scalp and will nourish your hair and make your hair grow faster and longer.
   Pregnant women should be very careful while doing this and should not put too much pressure on the abdomen.

➤Ninth Super Easy Hair Care Tips - Rubbing Of Your Fingernails

   My Ninth Super Easy Hair Care Tips involves the rubbing of your fingernails together with some force, you should grab all your fingers together except your thumb rubbing the fingernails together for at least 10 to 20 minutes every day will help your hair grow longer and stronger and will help to prevent hair loss.
People with high blood pressure and pregnant women should not perform this therapy.

➤Tenth Super Easy Hair Care Tips - Tie Hair In A Braid

   My Tenth Super Easy Hair Care Tips is for her growth while sleeping is to tie your hair in a braid before bedtime, traditionally braiding is a very common practise in Asian culture to help the hair grows at night, tie your hair in a loose braid before going to bed, you will see a lot of difference in how your hair grows when you tie it in a loose braid, when you sleep with your hair loss and spread all over the bed it breaks the hair and makes it tangles and unmanageable in the morning, but when it is tied in a loose the hair stays in place and remains neat and manageable next morning.

➤Eleventh Super Easy Hair Care Tips - Avoid Tied Hairstyles

   The Eleventh Super Easy Hair Care Tips that I'm going to share with you is to avoid tied hairstyles, hair strands are pulled by tight braids buns or any sort of accessories that cause stress on the hair follicles, help follicles hold an individual strand of hair on the scalp, tied hairstyles and pulling of the hair causes hair breakage and reduce blood supply, which can result in permanent hair loss, the hair should be tied in loose her styles, so that there is no damage caused to the hair follicle.

➤Twelfth Super Easy Hair Care Tips - Avoid Wrap In Towel

   My Twelfth Super Easy Hair Care Tips is to not wrap your hair in the towel after you wash it, if you do wrap your hair in the towel after shower you are making a big mistake, when the hair is wet it is more risk to breakage the weight of the towel can easily break your hair from the roots by pulling the wet hair just squeeze out the excess water and let it air dry.

   So, there you go, these were my top tips for fast hair growth, I view these methods and so have my family and friends and we've seen great results. I hope you guys see great results, too I hope you guys like the article, do tell us your thoughts in the comment section below Don't forget share. There's a lot of great content coming your way.